part and parcel a的意思|示意
part and parcel a的网络常见释义
重要的部分 有意思的叠声词有哪些? ... off and cuff adv 未经准备地,即席地 part and parcel a 重要的(基本的)部分 rank and file n 普通士兵,一般群众,一般成员 ...
part and parcel a相关例句
'Lying by omission' is considered a part and parcel of business, when a salesman purposefully creates a misconception by omitting certain facts.
Learning about life in a new culture is part and parcel of what newcomers to America face.
This is sometimes considered part and parcel with functionality (or should be in a perfect world), but is often ignored to the peril of the project as a whole. Some issues to consider here are
His father died and his mother's years part and parcel of the same eccentricity a shrug moreover, is very uncertain, and there has been that a sufficient deputation, for which they had.
Since human activity is part and parcel of nature, there is no reason to suppose that it cannot serve as a cause for future events.
If the study of law is beginning to establish itself as part and parcel of a general education, its aims and methods should appeal directly to journalism educators.