pass away die的意思|示意
pass away die的网络常见释义
去世 the act or result of classifying; a category or class分类;类别 pass away die 去世 He passed away during the night. 他在晚间逝世.
离开尘世 现在常指对国家与个人前途失掉信心,对理想、事业不感兴趣的思想为看破红尘 [ pass away die ] 离开尘世 [ synonym for cassock ] 袈裟的别称 ..
pass away die相关短语
1、 die pass away 故去
pass away die相关例句
'Pass away' is a euphemism for 'die'.
And the ancient thinkers all knew that matter passes away Anything that is material is going to pass away and be destroyed and be gone, the great thing about an idea is that it never need die.
In this would where all other things die and pass away , gold, and sometimes also silver, remain.
Money can't buy health, even you have a lot of money. One day you will die! We can see Steve Jobs that pass away at 56. Still young.
As time goes by, flowers come out and pass away, birds sing and die, and human being's simple motions change a lot, but my dreams from one to another last again and again.
We all have faults, but the time will come soon when we die, when our wickedness will pass away with our bodies, leaving only the pure flame of the spirit.