phase shift keying的意思|示意

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phase shift keying的网络常见释义

相移键控 ...数字-模拟编码 (第3 部分“相移键控”的第一段第二行有两个字写错了,以下用红色表示:) PSK(Phase Shift Keying,相移键控)是通过改变信号的相位来表示二进制0、1 的, 而振幅和相位频率则保持不变。

键控 编码遥测信号采用二相移相键控(Biphase Shift Keying, BPSK)调制,模拟遥测信号采用多进制频移键控(Multi-Frequency Shift Keying, M...

移相键控 相位偏移调变 - 搜搜百科 辑词条 PSK在搜搜百科中为本词条的同义词,已为您做自动跳转。 编辑摘要 摘要 相位偏移调制,又称移相键控(PSK,Phase Shift Keying)是一种利用相位差异的信号来传送资料的调制方式。这种调制方式因此而得名。该传送信号必须为正交信号,其基

相位偏移电信 相位偏移电信(phase shift keying), 此释义来源于网络辞典。

phase shift keying相关短语

1、 binary phase shift keying 二进制相移键控 ; 二相移相键控

2、 absolute phase shift keying 绝对相移键控

3、 quadrature phase shift keying 四相相移键控 ; 正交相移键控 ; 四相移相键控 ; 正交移相键控

phase shift keying相关例句

This is the AWGN Channel 4 phase shift keying modulation, as well as its perf...


Thirdly, we quantify the power penalty caused by the PMD in optical subcarrier multiplexing (OSCM) system with amplitude shift keying (ASK) and binary phase shift keying (BPSK).


If the "0" and "1" to change the carrier phase, called phase shift keying.


Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying?

偏移量正交相移键控oqps K ?

The phase modulation has some more advantages against CW, which USES ASK (amplitude shift keying).


A presence detection algorithm based on the estimation of cyclic frequency for Phase Shift-Keying (PSK) signals in additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) is proposed in this paper.

根据信号的循环平稳特性,本文提出一种加性高斯白噪声信道中基于循环频率估计的PS K信号存在性检测算法。