picture archiving and communication system的意思|示意

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picture archiving and communication system的网络常见释义

图像存储与传输系统 由于数字化成像设备的普及医学图像存储与传输系统(picture archiving and communication system,PACS)进入实用阶段,软阅读已逐渐成为一种重要方式应用于影像科室与临床医师的工作中,PACS系统是以医学影像领域数字化、网络化...

医疗影像储传系统 ... 医疗系统 Gesundheitssystem 医疗影像储传系统 Picture Archiving and Communication System 医务室 Klinik ...

像存档与通讯系统 现在,广泛应用于各级医疗机构的医学影像存档与通讯系统(Picture Archiving And Communication Systems,PACS)是专门用来处理医学影像的系统。

与传输系统 ...,男,湖南常德人,副主任医师,博士生,主要从事超声影像学研究. 医学影像存档与传输系统(Picture Archiving and Communication System, PACS)是将医学影像资料数字化,通过计算机和网络来实现对数字化信息的采集、存储、处理及传输功能[1].

picture archiving and communication system相关例句

PACS (picture archiving and Communication System) is mainly used for solving such problems as archiving, showing, storing, communicating and management of the medical picture, etc.


Objective Exploring the design and optimizing factors of picture archiving and communication system (PACS) network architecture.


Objective to discuss the medium and structure of storage system for picture archiving and communication systems in order to advance the transfer speed and the storage capacity of medical images.


Objective to investigate how to digitize dental film during the construction of picture archiving and communication system (PACS) for the stomatological hospital.


The importance of picture archiving and communication system is expatiated in this article based on practical need in hospital and the actual status in China.


A new idea of online permanent storage based on SAN structure for image files is presented and a Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) design project based on SAN structure is discussed.
