plastic carrier bag的意思|示意
plastic carrier bag的网络常见释义
塑料购物袋 ... plastic carrier bag 塑料购物袋 ubiquitous 感觉无处不在的 blight (使)破坏 ...
plastic carrier bag相关短语
1、 someother personnos plastic carrier bag 别人的包
plastic carrier bag相关例句
She was carry her handbag in one hand and a plastic carrier bag in the other .
Plastic bag use plummets in supermarkets since 2006Use of carrier bags down 43% in four years, says Waste &Resources Action Programme, but recent figures show fresh rise
Waste &Resource Action Programme (WRAP废物及资源行动计划)组织称塑料袋使用在过去的4年中下降43%,但是最近的数据表明出现增长回头趋势。
She walked head down, hood up, feeling plastic handles moulding themselves around her fingers, the carrier bag spinning one way then the next as it clipped against her leg.
现在她息了火,黑暗悄悄拢上身来。 她竖着风帽,低着头往前走,塑料把手模子一样箍住了手指,购物袋紧贴着腿,扭来扭去。