polar ice cap的意思|示意
polar ice cap的网络常见释义
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polar ice cap相关短语
1、 polar ice cap melting 两极冰川融化
2、 polar-cap ice 极冠冰 ; 极地冰
3、 polar cap ice 极区冰
polar ice cap相关例句
The retreat of the polar ice cap is making the region easier to work in, and there is thought to be lots of oil and gas to tap.
The other bright region in the image is the polar ice cap over the Arctic Ocean.
Didn't you see the entire North Polar ice cap melting before your eyes?
Platteville, Colorado: I'm curious as to weather the polar ice cap melt has increased pressure o the earth's plates?
普莱维尔,科罗拉多州(Platteville Colorado) :我很好奇极地冰盖的融化会不会增加地球版块的压力。
Since 1979, the size of the summer polar ice cap has shrunk more than 20 percent. (Illustration from NASA)
Much has been made about conflicts between Arctic states because of a retreating polar ice cap, which will make many natural resources accessible for the first time.
极地冰冠后退在环北极国家中引发了热议。 随着冰冠消融,下面蕴藏的丰富自然资源将首次浮出水面。