人口过剩 ... head-overhead 日常开支 经常性费用额外开销 population-overpopulation 人口过剩 centric-polycentric 多中心的 ...
Reduced downtown population density put an end to the prolonged unreasonable overpopulation problem, playing a significant role in improving the city functions and the residents' dwelling conditions.
An urban district of southeast England northeast of London. It was designated as a new town in 94 'to alleviate overpopulation in London. Population, 79,400.
英格兰东南部一城区,位于伦敦东北。为减轻伦敦的人口压力而于94 '年兴建。人口79,400。
An urban district of southeast England northeast of London. It was designated as a new town in 1946 to alleviate overpopulation in London. Population, 79,400.
To the nature, overpopulation is a big problem. More people, more pollution. And the big population is threatening the nature every second.
Here is the core of population, population growth over the consequences of overpopulation has become a serious disaster.
Now that the population of the West has stopped growing, concern about overpopulation has become very unfashionable because, as Tony Benn put it, it means wanting fewer brown babies.
既然西方人口已经停止增长,对于人口过剩的考虑就变得非常不合时宜,因为正如Tony Benn所说的,这意味着希望棕色人种婴儿的数量更少。