potential gain的意思|示意
potential gain相关短语
1、 potential capital gain 可能获得的资本增益
2、 loss of potential gain 潜在收入的损失
3、 Without Any Potential Gain 而不潜在收益
4、 long-term gain potential 长期增益势
5、 potential chief gain 可能获得的资本增益
6、 term gain potential 释义长期增益势
7、 genetic gain potential 遗传增益势
8、 potential l capital gain 可能获得的资本增益
9、 Show an upside gain potential 有利的一面展示获得的潜力
potential gain相关例句
Pure risks are those that involve only the possibility of loss, any potential gain.
单纯风险仅仅包括损失的可能, 而不包括潜在的收益.
Employing leverage amplifies the potential gain an investment or project, but also increases the potential loss.
应用金融杠杆,放大了投资的潜在收益, 但是,同时也增加了潜在的损失.