primary key constraints的意思|示意

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primary key constraints的网络常见释义

主键约束 主键约束(primary key constraints):在同一表中,保证该列或者是列对是唯的,这为检索记录提供方便。可被其它表的外键引用。

主键限制 ...是否允许使用者没有输入、决定资料的整合性以及资料一致性等等的问题时使用,栏位限制包括: 主键限制(Primary Key Constraints ) 外来键限制(Foreign Key Constraints ) 唯一性限制(Unique Constraints ) 检查限制(Check Constraints ) 预设值限制(Default C...

primary key constraints相关例句

You can also use the system catalog views to retrieve information about NOT NULL, unique, primary key, foreign key, and table check constraints. For example.

也可以使用系统编目视图来检索关于NOT NULL、惟一、主键、外键和表检查约束的信息。

Consult your database documentation for details about how your database works with primary key constraints.


Primary key, referential integrity, and check constraints.


SYSCAT.TABLES KEYUNIQUE Number of unique constraints (other than primary key) defined on this table db2 "select tabname, keyunique from syscat.tables where keyunique > 0"

TABLES KEYUNIQUE 该表所定义的唯一性(与主键不同)约束的数量 db2 "select tabname, keyunique from syscat.tables where keyunique > 0"

If informational check constraints exist on the primary key column, you should explicitly specify informational check constraints on their corresponding foreign key columns. For example.


Some databases have different functionality for primary key constraints.
