promote sales to的意思|示意
promote sales to的网络常见释义
推销 ... 限制 restrict 推销 promote sales to 诱惑 tempt ...
promote sales to相关短语
1、 promote sales to stimulate production 以销促产
2、 to promote sales 促销
3、 To Promote Its Sales 以促进其销售
promote sales to相关例句
A commision on your prices would make it easier for me to promote sales. Even 2 or 3% would help.
Familiar with the menu, beverage brand price, effectively promote to guests dishes drinks, increase sales.
A commission on your prices would make it easier for me to promote sales.
The basic idea is that you create a product, partner with all of the leaders in your industry to promote it, and then sit back as the sales start pouring in.
Lee: sounds good! But in order to promote sales, I can put forward to other comments?
This scenario caters to a sales scenario, but there are many roles in a company that promote this type of behavior.