relate to with的意思|示意
relate to with的网络常见释义
与…相联系 ... revel in 着迷,十分爱好 relate to with 与…相联系 revert to 回到,恢复到 ...
relate to with相关短语
1、 to relate with 搭界
2、 to relate with pictures 据图立说
relate to with相关例句
I claim with confidence that excellent knowledge of the subject being taught is secondary to the teacher ability to relate well with their students.
In order to do this, you can specify the mappings that relate objects with the same types into something called a relation.
By 1950, the results of attempts to relate brain processes to mental experience appeared rather correlated with the discharge of specific kinds of nervous energy.
Because supplies such as envelopes, shipping labels, tape, etc. relate to the tasks associated with a mail room, these two items could logically be put together.
Talking about body image with your daughter can help her become comfortable with her body shape and relate to food in a healthy way.
A common problem in studies attempting to relate genetics with a particular behavior is that a particular genotype might only confer a very small risk.