right of access的意思|示意

美 / rait ɔv ˈækses / 英 / raɪt ʌv ˈæksɛs /


right of access相关短语

1、 Right of access to media 接近权

2、 right of access to culture 接触文化权

3、 the right of access 知情权

4、 right of access to sunlight 阳光权

5、 right of access to information 接近

6、 right of access official information 信息获取权

7、 checking of access right 存取权检查

8、 management of access right 存取权管理,详细翻译

9、 management of file access right 文件访问权管理

right of access相关例句

Violation of the above mentioned regulations would automatically terminate the right of access to this facility.

