rolling gear的意思|示意
rolling gear相关短语
1、 The rolling gear 命运齿轮的轰响
2、 gear rolling 齿轮滚轧,滚压齿,齿轮轧制,轧齿
3、 screw rolling gear 滚丝轮
4、 rolling gear tester 齿合仪
5、 Y3150E rolling gear-machine Y3150E滚齿机
6、 y e rolling gear-machine y3150e滚齿机
7、 plc yb rolling gear-machine plcyb3180滚齿机
8、 gear rolling machine 齿轮滚轧机,挤齿机,齿轮滚床
9、 plc yb 3180 rolling gear-machine plcyb滚齿机
rolling gear相关例句
The application of OMRON PC in Auto-control system of YB3120 Rolling Gear Machine isdescribed.
Glass Beads Box: Hand movement in step clutch, gear cycle, rolling sowing, and disassembly design.
The text introduces the two choices of inner gear profile curve of the rolling gear drive and the theoretical reasons of the equidistance curve of inner cycloid and the close an; curve.