rolling road的意思|示意
rolling road相关短语
1、 rolling road simulation system 滚动路面模拟系统
2、 The Rolling English Road 踉跄英伦路,螺旋英伦
3、 Rolling on the road 在这条路滚
4、 The e Rolling English Road 踉跄英伦路
rolling road相关例句
Rolling road ( Dyno ) tests show significant increases in both Torque and Brake Horse Powerrolling road data.
滚道 ( 赛道 ) 测试均有大幅增加,在这两个扭矩及制动马力.
One big dump truck is rolling down the road.
Well, that's because the wheel, well, there's an assumption which is that the wheel is rolling on something normal like a road, and not on, maybe, ice, or something like that.
The simulating software can be used not only to analyze the dependency of the rolling load on flow stress models, but also the dependency of the rolling road on thermal transfer models.