room noise的意思|示意
room noise相关短语
1、 room-noise spectrum 室内噪声谱
2、 engine-room noise level 机舱噪声电平
3、 Room noise tests 噪音测试室
4、 room noise level 室内杂讯水平
5、 engine-room noise 机舱噪声
6、 Reduce ambient room noise 减少室内噪声
7、 noise room 噪声室,室内噪声,表演者
8、 Criteria for Evaluating Room Noise 房屋噪音评估标准
9、 Press room noise 冲床隔音房
room noise相关例句
There was too much noise in the room and he needed peace.
Room noise but not compliment next door and corridor of voices can be heard very clearly.
These levels come from outside activities that penetrate the classroom structure, from teaching activities, and other noise generated inside, which can be exacerbated by room reverberation.