rotary ink的意思|示意

美 / ˈrəutəri iŋk / 英 / ˈrotəri ɪŋk /


rotary ink相关短语

1、 offset rotary ink 胶印轮转油墨

2、 rotary letterpress ink 凸版轮转印报油墨,凸版轮转机印刷油墨,凸版轮起色印刷油墨,印报油墨

3、 rotary letterpress news ink 凸版轮转印报油墨

4、 rotary ink detail 轮转油墨

5、 offset t rotary ink 胶印轮转油墨

6、 rotary letterpress color news ink 凸版彩色报刊油墨

7、 rotary printing ink 轮转印刷油墨,轮换印刷油墨

8、 rotary letterpress ink for publication 凸版轮转书刊油墨

9、 rotary letterpress ink for pnbllCCt 凸版轮转书刊油墨,详细翻译

rotary ink相关例句

The invention discloses temperature sensitive ink, which is suitable for offset printing or flexography on a rotary press.


The writer predicate audaciously that the heat transfer print of electronic ink will be the main print of textile in later decades and maybe replace the traditional rotary screen and roller printing.
