rules of thumb的意思|示意

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rules of thumb的网络常见释义

拇指规则 拇指规则(rules of thumb):原指木匠不用尺子,而直接伸出拇指测量木材的长度或宽度,比喻依靠经验和直觉做判断,又被称为“经验法则”。

经验法则 处理不同风险水平的经验法则(rules of thumb):1、低风险:不需要采取缓释措施;2、中低风险:没有缓释的必要,如要采取适当的缓释措施需要相应的理由;3、中高风险:应该采取...

经验规则 该行业在某些方面(例如税收筹划)具有相当的经验,但更倾向于使用经验规则(rules of thumb)指导人们进行风险和收益的权衡。

拇指法则 对服务器应用程序来说, 拇指法则(rules of thumb)是:

rules of thumb相关短语

1、 rules-of-thumb techniques 经验法 ; 教训法 ; 经历法

2、 Safety first rules of thumb 安全第一的拇指规则

3、 Simplifying Rules of Thumb 简化经验原则

rules of thumb相关例句

I'm going to go out on a limb here and give some rules of thumb first, then give some examples to try to justify them.


To avoid confusion — and possibly food poisoning — use the rules of thumb at the end of this article.


Below are a few rules of thumb that will have you using typography more lucidly than ever before.


Now, these index-limitation guidelines are more rules of thumb than rules to live by.


Over time we build up many rules of thumb about the situations that make us happy (or unhappy).


If these rules of thumb ring true to others and help them to run their lives, so much the better.
