run-of-mine ore的意思|示意

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run-of-mine ore的网络常见释义

原矿石 ... 径流关系 runoff relation 原矿石 run-of-mine ore 跑道观测 runway observation ...

原矿 ... run-of-mine ore原矿 pyrite黄铁矿 arsenopyrite毒砂 ...

run-of-mine ore相关短语

1、 run of mine ore 原矿

2、 Run-of-Mine ore pulp 原矿全泥

3、 run of mine ore cost 原矿成本

run-of-mine ore相关例句

The highly efficient and accurate classification has improved the grinding-classification efficiency of the tertiary grinding , thus raising the run-of-mine ore throughput of System 321.


Run of Mine (ROM) ore will be dumped onto a Grizzley above the Coarse Ore bin.

矿石 将被送到粗矿石料仓之上的铁格筛上。