safe keep的意思|示意
safe keep相关短语
1、 Keep me safe from harm 让我远离伤害,别让我在暴风骤雨中
2、 I will keep you safe 我会一直守护着你,永不渝
3、 keep society safe and stable 保持社会稳定
4、 keep it safe and untold 认真守护好她的秘密
5、 keep safe 到记事本
6、 Let's keep it safe 让我们保持安全
7、 Keep it safe 保持安全
8、 keep you safe 保证你的安全,保持您安全,保持你安全
safe keep相关例句
Here's your passport. Now keep it safe.
What did Marchenko decide to do to keep safe?
Marchenko 决定采取什么措施来确保安全?
Safe keep and register business chops, user Id password and critical vouchers, follow handover policy.
妥善保管业务用章, 操作密码和重要凭证, 办好交接和登记手续.
Act right away to keep safe.