sale price的意思|示意
n. 特价;廉价
sale price相关短语
1、 direct sale price 直接销售价,直接售价英语,翻译
2、 Media Sale Price 中位数价格法
3、 Pool Sale Price 市场售电价
4、 Adjusted Sale Price 调整以后的卖价,卖房利润
5、 Final sale price 最终成交价
6、 actual sale price 更不代表实际售价
7、 cash sale price 现销价格
8、 estimated sale price 估计售价
9、 forced sale price 拍卖价格
sale price相关例句
Suggestion: The sale price shall be the fair market value confirmed by the appraiser.
建议: 卖出价款为由评估人确定的公平市场价值.
The company promises: the Company's products of equal quality of the national minimum sale price!
本公司承诺: 本公司的产品同等质量价格全国最低销售!
But, because average sale price continues to glide, predicting sale increase rate will have 5 % only.
可是, 因为平均发卖价钱继续下滑, 估量发卖额增添率将只有5%.
No, it's a sale price.
不, 这已经是优惠价了.
A professional who sells property at public auctions . Usually paid a percentage of the sale price.
在公共拍卖中出售物业的专业人员, 通常收取卖出价一定百分比作为费用.
The sale price is 50 % of the normal price.