sampler space的意思|示意
sampler space相关短语
1、 Economy Head-space Sampler 经济型顶空进样器
2、 space Sampler 经济型顶空进样器
3、 gc with head-space sampler 带有顶空采样器的气相色谱仪
sampler space相关例句
The projective grid, whose sampler takes the view rule of human eyes into account, is designed to use the grid in projective-space to take the place of the traditional grid in world-space.
Methods:The samples were injected into HP-5 capillary colnmn by head- space sampler and analysed with FID detector with standard addition method.
方法:用 HP-5毛细管气相色谱柱,顶空进样,FID 检测器,以标准溶液加入法进行计算。
The full-automatic sampler has small volume and light weight and can be used in a narrow space and applied to sample powdery materials containing water.