say with certainty的意思|示意

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say with certainty的网络常见释义

断言 ... 命题 assign a topic; set a questi ... 断言 say with certainty; assert c ... 断言级逻辑,命题逻辑 assertion-level logic ...

言之凿凿 Say With Certainty(言之凿凿), 此释义来源于网络辞典。

say with certainty相关短语

1、 to say with certainty 断言

say with certainty相关例句

Indeed, it would be difficult to find anyone in modern Britain who could say with certainty that his ancestors had not come to the British Isles from somewhere else.


I can't say with certainty, but I think you're right.


I can say with certainty that he is a fair man who has no axe to grind over this matter.


One thing we can say with certainty is that leading in the polls is no guarantee of victory.


I can say with certainty that you're wrong.


Actually we can say with certainty that must not, this time, or want to take out the first two years, slow and motivation, accumulation has just started.
