self corrosion potential的意思|示意

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self corrosion potential的网络常见释义

自腐蚀电位 ...涂料 自腐蚀电位 极化试验 抗渗透性[gap=951]Key words: pigment/filler; anti-corrosion coating; self corrosion potential; polarization experiment; anti-permeability..

self corrosion potential相关短语

1、 self-corrosion potential 自腐蚀电位

self corrosion potential相关例句

Effect of polarization potential on the corrosion-wear behavior of high manganese steel in ore slurry was investigated by a self-made impact corrosive-wear tester.


The effect of temperature and thermal treatment procedure on the self-corrosion potential and the hydrogen-cherged potential is studied.

研究了温度对试样自腐蚀电位的影响; 不同热处理方法对试样自腐蚀电位和析氢电位的影响。

The test shows the corrosion self electric potential has negative displacement and the corrosion self rate is reduced if there is deposit on the wall.


The results indicated that with the decreasing of the porosity, the self-corrosion potential of the coatings shifted from Ecorr of Fe to Ecorr of Ni-P.


The results show that the corrosion potential improves by 1.339 V. The self-corrosion current density decreases to 1/10 of the AZ91D alloy.

结果表明,复合涂层使基体镁合金的腐蚀电位提高了1.339 V,自腐蚀电流密度降低为基体的1/10;