sense of self-identity的意思|示意
sense of self-identity的网络常见释义
自我的认定 自我的认定(sense of self-identity):•在兩岁左右出现。•大部分的婴儿开始对名字或称呼有反应。
自我认可的感觉 ... 躯体「我的感觉(sense of bodily me) 自我认可的感觉(sense of self-identity) 自尊的感觉(sense of self-esteem) ...
sense of self-identity相关例句
Contemporary western philosophy has now enriched objectivity by subjectivity. Sensitive to the sense of self-identity and hence of cultures.
The biggest problem is that identity is hugely influenced by the projections parents make on to children and that, without these, they are liable to lack a sense of self.
Culture plays the most important role in the course of forming self-sense and self-identity of individual, and influences individual cognition, feelings, motive and manifestation of behavior.
Besides, this thesis considers that James's sense of non-identity and crisis can be regarded as his modern feelings and they roots in his troublous times and his self-exiled life as an artist.
This kind of special sense was not totally a self-sense by Shanghai people but, moreover, by the outside people's identity of Shanghai and the model of Shanghailanders.
Gates: Self-exploration is great, because you develop a sense of self-confidence and an identity of "Hey, I know this pretty well."
盖茨:自我探索很重要,因为在这个过 程中你可以培养自信心和一种S我认 同:“嘿,我很擅长这个。