sense of urgency的意思|示意
sense of urgency的网络常见释义
紧迫感 ...然,点到面的通报无孔不入不说,况且主队的中场中路铺开了那么多可使用的通道和间隙,节律上也无以往之紧迫感(Sense of urgency),故年青球员可能在罗西基和小法的策画下肆意穿梭(Shuttle)于布莱克本后卫线的前前后后,进多几个球就不希奇了。
急迫感 现代人对于名利的追逐、财产的累积汲汲营营,却对健康的维护普遍缺乏急迫感(sense of urgency),非得迫在眉睫时才会意识到健康的重要。
sense of urgency相关短语
1、 A Sense of Urgency 急迫感 ; 紧迫感 ; 时间的价值 ; 破局致胜的关键
2、 enhance the sense of urgency 增强忧患意识
3、 Establish a sense of urgency 要有急迫感
sense of urgency相关例句
At the same time, much of the discourse about climate change does little to convey a sense of urgency.
The daily death of countless websites has brought a new sense of urgency-and forced libraries to adapt culturally as well.
There is, however, a last consideration. One reason why the supercommittee failed is that it felt no real sense of urgency.
但是最后还有一个需要考虑的事项.超级委 员会未能达成一致意见的另一原因在于缺乏紧迫感。
We have a high bar for the experience our customers deserve and a sense of urgency to improve that experience.
It snapped everyone awake and created a sense of urgency that is paying off to this day.
Such initiatives have a built-in sense of urgency, and they also express the heart of the equity argument.