separate index的意思|示意
separate index相关短语
1、 graded-index separate-confinement heterostructure 缓变折射率分限异质结构
2、 GRINSCH graded-index separate-confinement heterostructure 缓变折射率分限异质结构
3、 graded-index separate-confinement 梯度折射率分别限制
4、 gradient refraction index separate confinement 梯度折射率分别限制
separate index相关例句
It is also profitable to separate index data from table data.
Not only do they have a separate index for mobile content, but also it is fairly empty.
You should create an index in a separate table space so that if something goes wrong with the index table space, you can easily drop it and then recreate the same indexes.