series of transactions的意思|示意
series of transactions的网络常见释义
连串交易 ... serial bond分期还本债券 series of transactions连串交易 service-led economy以服务业为主导的经济 ...
series of transactions相关短语
1、 a series of transactions 连续的交易
series of transactions相关例句
The internal transactions that are comparable to the patterns (which are described in Part 2 of this series) are shown.
To solve this problem, transactions group a series of operations in such a way that the integrity of the final result can be assured.
This is the first in a series of articles looking into practical ways to use eBay's web services, such as managing item listings, completing transactions, and managing feedback.
作为系列文章中的第一篇,本文从实践的角度探究了如何利用eBay Web服务,如管理商品列表、完成交易以及处理反馈信息等。
Along with increasing related transactions of listed companies, a series of problems emerges.
The series of problems arose by these improper associated transactions do great harm to the benefit of middle and small Stockholders and also violate the principle of justice, impartial and openness.
Transactions are used when you want an entire series of SQL statements to succeed.