shades of grey的意思|示意
不同色度的灰色不同色度的灰色(歌名,Shades of Grey)
shades of grey的网络常见释义
灰影 人的总称人的眼睛只能分辩数种灰影(shades of grey)在拔取宽窗时,能见到所有布局,但却没有办法分辩微小的疏密程度差异在拔取窄窗时,又只能分辩小型享氏单位的疏密程度变化
灰色的影子 ...eunions) 1-08:爱的囚犯 (Prisoner's of Love) 1-09:我的兄弟的守护者 (My Brother's Keeper) 1-10:灰色的影子 (Shades of Grey) 1-11:煽风点火 (..
灰色阴影 ...ayes认为对Ginsberg的观点做非黑即白的评论是不正确的,因为对Ginsberg而言对所有事物的理解都这是在灰色阴影(shades of grey)的概念上的。Ginsberg总是高度的怀疑性的很少对任何事做出结论。
友情考验 ... Shades of Grey 友情考验 Bride of the Monster 魔王的婚礼 Dominus 蜥蜴王 ...
shades of grey相关短语
1、 Fifty Shades of Grey 五十度灰 ; 格雷的五十道阴影 ; 格雷的五十道阴影五十度灰 ; 格雷的50道阴影
2、 14 Shades Of Grey 苍白14色
3、 the Fifty Shades of Grey 五十度灰
shades of grey相关例句
The illustration sees dozens of elephants' heads in shades of brown, yellow, grey and white.
Loopback cotton features in traditional shades of grey.
Yellow refers to the smutty type, and grey or black to spam messages, many of which offer products or services of various shades of legality.
There are some subjects that should be discussed in shades of grey, with acknowledgement of subtleties and cultural differences.
As a doctor, I'm urging you: do NOT see Fifty Shades of Grey.
Women, on the other hand, tend to be open minded and 'see more shades of grey'.