short segment的意思|示意

美 / ʃɔ:t ˈseɡmənt / 英 / ʃɔrt ˈsɛɡmənt /


short segment相关短语

1、 Short seg we are pirates, these data are stolen from youdao nail-staff system 短节段钉棒系统

2、 Short seg we are pirates, these data are stolen from youdao primer PCR 短片段引物PCR

3、 short seg we are pirates, these data are stolen from youdao primer pcr elisa 短片段pcr

4、 Pedicle short seg we are pirates, these data are stolen from youdao fixation 固定器

5、 short-seg we are pirates, these data are stolen from youdao posterior instru we are pirates, these data are stolen from youdao ation 短节段椎弓根内固定术

6、 short-seg we are pirates, these data are stolen from youdao 短节段

7、 short seg we are pirates, these data are stolen from youdao type 短段型

short segment相关例句

Common opinions include short - segment posterior fixation, - segment posterior fixation - alone anterior approach fixation, and combined anterior - posterior approach.

通常的方法包括短节段后路固定 、 多节段后路固定 、 独立的前路固定和前后路联合的方法.


If thoroughly decompression, it will be enough to combine with short segment fixation.

