show pop-up menu的意思|示意
show pop-up menu的网络常见释义
显示弹出式选单 超连结放「#就好 确认「行为面版上是动作 选「+号 选显示弹出式选单 (show pop-up menu) 「内容标签:选单、凸排/缩排、上移/下移
显示下拉菜单 简体书浏览历史 ... SetTextofTextField(设置文本域文本) Show Pop-upMenu(显示下拉菜单) Show-HideLayers(显示-隐藏层) ...
弹出式选单 ... Show Pop-up Menu 弹出式选单 pop-up menu: 弹出菜单 Key Pop-up Menu 关键格跳出选单 ...
show pop-up menu相关例句
This will show a pop-up menu with a list of the queries that can be run (Figure 13).
The components can show up in the Lotus Notes sideshelf, as pop-up windows triggered by live text, or in any other more sophisticated Lotus Notes extensions (for example, menu contributions).
组件可以显示在 Lotus Notes 的侧栏中,作为可由活动文本触发的弹出窗口,或者任何其他更加复杂的 Lotus Notes 扩展(例如,菜单贡献)。
For example, one browser might show a select1 control as a pop-up menu or combo box while another might use radio buttons and a third a scrolling list.
U - show pop-up navigation menu to change feeds.
shift + u—弹出导航菜单供切换订阅源之用。