simple style的意思|示意
simple style相关短语
1、 simple style of writing 文风朴实
2、 a simple style of architecture 简朴的建筑风格
3、 Independent and simple style 独立自主和艰苦朴素
4、 Modern and simple style 现代简约
5、 Fashion Simple Style Design 时尚简约风格化设计
6、 I like simple style 我喜欢简单家具
7、 simple style does 时尚女孩
8、 simple-style design 简约主义设计
9、 She Loves Simple Style 她爱简风
simple style相关例句
Itsdesign is unique, beautiful curve, simple style, fashionable sense and full of vitality.
其设计匠心独特, 优美的曲线, 古朴的风格 、 充满生机的科技前卫感.
Unique design with verve endows the building group a large , stately residence, modernized and simple style.
独具神韵的设计风格使建筑群显得庄重大气, 现代简约.
Love the rhinestone necklace, it give the simple style a little glamour.
很喜欢这个人造钻石项链, 它给简单的造型增添了一点小华丽.
Attractive here is not only a charming scene, and the simple style of nationalism.
这里吸引人的不仅是迷人的景致, 还有那淳朴浓厚的民族风情.
At the time the option with simple style sofa, floor lamp, coffee table.
在搭配的时候可以选择简约风格的沙发 、 落地灯 、 茶几.
Her simple style is deceptive: what she has to say is very profound.