如果当前文章没有指定文章格式 如果当前文章没有指定文章格式:single-format-standard 对于附件页面(attachment pages)会输出:attachment single-attachment attachmentid-{ID} attachment-mime-type ..
Web services within a single domain, like hotel reservation services, should have at least an industrial agreement and standard to specify the required input variables and the possible output format.
Standard ASCII assigns a single-byte character in the English language to a numeric value, such as 0 to 127 in decimal format.
标准 ASCII 为英语语言中的一个单字节字符分配一个数值,比如十进制格式的 0 到 127。
It also provides capabilities to export the package files in the two formats allowed by the OVF standard: as a single TAR file in Open Virtual Appliance format or as a set of files.
它还提供了将包文件导出为OVF标准所许可的两种格式的功能:作为Open Virtual appliance格式的单一TAR文件,或者作为一组文件。
Units can be constructed from a single alarm channel to a maximum of 128 channels, in any format, with ultra-bright LED illumination as standard and with a choice of two window sizes and six colours.
REST web services are simpler than SOAP web services, as they do not have a standard for the message format (for example, a single web page is an example of a REST web service).
REST Web服务比SOAP Web服务更为简单,因为REST Web服务没有一个标准的消息格式(例如,单个的网页可以是一个REST Web服务)。
Retrieval is not limited to data that conforms to a single schema, but can be performed on any customer-defined or industry standard XML format.