skin texture的意思|示意

美 / skin ˈtekstʃə / 英 / skɪn ˈtɛkstʃɚ /


skin texture相关短语

1、 snake-skin texture 斑点状表皮组织

2、 urban skin texture 城市肌理

3、 Skin Texture Photoshop Brushes 皮肤纹理笔刷

4、 Three dimensional skin texture 三维肌理片

5、 lmproves skin texture 改善皮肤护理

6、 Activate Skin Texture 活化肤质

7、 Texture of Skin 肌肤的纹理,片,美肤

8、 skin-texture 笔触和肌理

skin texture相关例句

Contains Essence, Often Use It To Improve Tangerine Skin Texture.

包含实质, 常常用它来改善桔肤质.


Usage: After cleansing, get some with pad, gently flap along skin texture to promote full absorption.

使用方法: 洁面后, 取本品适量于化妆棉上, 顺着皮肤纹理轻轻拍打,使其充分渗透吸收.


The formative beauty of texturing method embodies in line beauty, dynamic beauty and skin texture beauty.

皴法的形式美主要体现在线条美 、 力度美、肌理美等方面.


With gentle exfoliating beads, it also refines skin texture, washing away dirt and oil.

含有柔珠颗粒, 顺滑肌肤纹理, 洗净油脂和污垢.


Instruction: Apply appropriate product on skin from inside to outside according to skin texture.

使用方法: 取适量按肌肤纹理从内到外轻柔地涂抹.


The constitute elements of three - dimensional constitution include block and solid, colour, skin texture and space sense.

立体 造型的构成要素包括块与立体 、 色彩 、 肌理和空间感.
