small coal的意思|示意
small coal相关短语
1、 small coal mines 小煤矿,小煤窑
2、 small-coal pit 小煤窑
3、 small coal pits 小煤窑
4、 small-coal mine 小煤矿
5、 small coal mine 小煤矿
6、 stove small coal 火炉小块煤
7、 small coal pillar 小煤柱
8、 small coal enterprises 小型煤炭企业
9、 small coal mine mining 小煤矿开采
small coal相关例句
A small coal fire burned in the grate.
After the impoundment of Xiaolangdi Reservoir, the water of small coal mines threatened an Coal Mine.
小浪底水库蓄水后, 淹没区内小煤窑充水对新安煤矿形成较大危害.