special administration的意思|示意

美 / ˈspeʃəl ədˌminisˈtreiʃən / 英 / ˈspɛʃəl ædˌmɪnɪˈstreʃən /


special administration相关短语

1、 special administration area 行政特区,翻译

2、 special administration law 专门行政法

3、 Special Administration Regime 管理机制

4、 special administration law relationship 特殊行政法律关系

5、 the macao special administration region 澳门特别行政区

6、 Administration of Special Education 行政特殊教育,特殊教育管理

7、 research and special programs administration 研究和特殊规划局,项目管理局,研究与特殊项目管理局,研究和特别计划局

8、 Special Education Administration 就读特殊教育管理

9、 Special Event and Entertainment Administration 特别节目及娱乐行政

special administration相关例句

First, I'd like to welcome the officials with the Immigration Department of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region and diplomats from the South Pacific island countries.


Special administration institutions for medicine were established.


Otherwise, they will be put under special administration.


It differs from both the general legislation of special - economic - zone and highly autonomous special - administration - zone enjoys.

既不同于一般的经济特区立法,又有别于特别行政区所享有的高度 自治 型 的立法.


Otherwise, they will be put under special administration.

否则, 他们将被置于特别监管之下.
