
美 / s'paɪnlʃ'eɪpt / 英 / s'paɪnlʃ'eɪpt /



1、 hook-shaped spinal marrow elevator 钩形脊髓分离器

2、 shaped spinal marrow elevator 钩形脊髓分离器

3、 hook-shaped E spinal marrow elevator 钩形脊髓分离器

4、 hook-shaped ȅ spinal marrow elevator 钩形脊髓分离器


The dumbbell-shaped sign and the relationship between spinal cord and tumor are two key points for the diagnosis of neurinomas in the spinal canal with MRI.


Methods Various operation types were used to treat 26 cases of kyphosis respectively, including V shaped or transpedicle spinal osteotomy, subtotal or total spinal osteotomy.

方法采用V形或经椎弓根椎体截骨术、椎体部分或整体切除术治疗脊柱后凸畸形2 6例。

Both the brain and the spinal cord are protected by bone: the brain by the bones of the skull, and the spinal cord by the set of ring-shaped bones called vertebrae that make up the spine.
