sql statement level的意思|示意
sql statement level的网络常见释义
句级 oracle一般提供sql语句级(sql statement level)的读一致性,能用以下语句来实现事务级的读一致性。
sql statement level相关例句
At a high level, you see the familiar "update... set... where..." syntax of an SQL update statement.
SQL update语句的总体结构仍然是大家熟悉的“update…set…。where…”语法。
ISOLATION level is set at the session level using set ISOLATION, set at the SQL statement level using the WITH clause or set at the database level using a database Configuration parameter.
使用SET ISOLATION在会话级、使用with子句在sql语句级或使用数据库配置参数在数据库级设置隔离级别。
With DB2 9 and dynamic SQL, REOPT ALWAYS can also be specified through a global - or statement-level optimization profile.
对于DB 2 9和动态sql,也可以通过一个全局或语句级别的优化配置来指定REOPT ALWAYS。
A recent enhancement to DB2 for I 6.1 makes it possible to understand the optimizer use at the SQL statement level within the SQL Performance Monitor.
DB 2 for i 6.1最近的一个增强使得理解在SQL性能监视器中sql语句级使用优化器成为可能。
At a minimum, the set of level key attributes for Li need to be in the SQL statement.
You can use the new SQL statement, SET encryption PASSWORD, to implement column-level encryption and improve the confidentiality of the data.
可以使用新的sql语句SET ENCRYPTION PASSWORD实现列级别的加密,提高数据的保密性。