由代码开始 第二种被称为由代码开始(start-from-code),或是
To explain Listing 2, I'll start with the main method, which is what is executed first, and then follow the code from there.
要解释 清单 2,必须首先介绍 main 方法,因为该方法将先执行。 然后再接着介绍清单 2。
The biggest problem with start-from-WSDL is just the cumbersome nature of working with WSDL and schema definitions, as compared to working with code.
Regardless of the type of data binding and web services framework used, it’s possible to use start-from-code as a fast track to a working service.
Start-ups get to develop their products from scratch, often with no heavy code base or history.
Top-down -- Start from an existing XML description of the interface (XML schema, DTD, WSDL), derive the XML data model, and generate the mapping/conversion code.
自顶向下——从现有的接口 XML 描述(XML 模式、DTD、WSDL)开始,派生 XML 数据模型,并生成映射/转换代码。
Note that installing Samba from source code does not install a System V (SysV) or Upstart startup script, so Samba will not start automatically when you reboot the computer.
注意,通过源代码安装Samba不需要安装System V (SysV)或Upstart启动脚本,因此在您重启计算机时Samba不会自动启动。