state owned的意思|示意
state owned相关短语
1、 state-owned enterprises 国有企业,国营企业,国有家具企业,国有
2、 state-owned enterprise 国营企业,国有企业,国企,国有家具企业
3、 State-owned 国有,州立的,国有控股
4、 state-owned shares 国有股,缡
5、 the state-owned sector 公有经济
6、 wholly state-owned commercial banks 国有独资商业银行
7、 state-owned cooperatives 国合企业
8、 state-owned company 国有独资公司
9、 State-owned holding company 国度控股公司,田家控股公司
state owned相关例句
As tempers rose, he spoke out strongly against some of the radical ideas for selling off state-owned property.
The government was in the process of dismantling the state-owned industries.
As tempers rose, he spoke out strongly against some of the radical ideas for selling off state-owned property.
Withdrawal of state - owned stock helps optimize share - h olding structure of listed company.
国有股 退出有利于上市公司股权结构的优化.
At the same time, we encouraged eligible large state - owned enterprises to get listed after the stockholding system was established.
同时, 鼓励符合条件的 国有 大型企业改制上市.
Non-state firms gradually elbow aside the inefficient state-owned ones.
We should give a freer rein to small and medium state - owned enterprises to invigorate themselves.
进一步放开搞活 国有 中小企业.
汉英非文学 - 十六大报告
China Road and Bridge ( group ) Xinjin Factory ( State - Owned ), Overseas Department Manager.
中国路桥 ( 集团 ) 新津公司 ( 国有 企业 ) 海外部经.