stop gap measure的意思|示意

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stop gap measure的网络常见释义

临时措施 ... stop dog 止动器 stop gap measure 临时措施 stop impulse 停住[信号]脉冲 ...

stop gap measure相关短语

1、 stop-gap measure 应急权宜之计

stop gap measure相关例句

A stop-gap measure merely serves as a commodious addition to some short-sighted result-driven politicians.


This is at best a stop-gap measure, since the reduction is for one month only, and retailers are not obligated to cut their prices.


The statement informed them that their pensions were being cut. The reductions come as a stop-gap measure to control Germany's ballooning pension crisis.1


These may end up being stop-gap measure.


But some analysts saw it as a stop-gap measure to avoid a looming crisis that some compared to that set off by the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008.
