stream steady的意思|示意
stream steady的网络常见释义
稳定流 高能物理专业英语翻译S-156-SCIdict学术... ... 太阳〔粒子〕流 stream, solar 稳定流 stream, steady (一)力(二)强度 strength ...
stream steady相关短语
1、 Steady stream 川流不息 ; 稳恒流 ; 稳定流
2、 Steady-Stream 稳定流
3、 steady-state stream 稳定状态河流
stream steady相关例句
A steady stream of similar headlines accuse the Net and its offspring apps, social media sites and online games of addicting us to distraction.
The agency provided me with a steady stream of work.
Visitors entered the exhibition hall in a steady stream.
When JConsole was connected, a steady stream of GC sweeps happened that didn't occur otherwise.
The island of Penang has wide roads, a steady stream of graduates from University Science and an efficient power supply.
Bacteria housed on a graphite fiber anode break down the fats, proteins and sugars in sewage, freeing up a steady stream of electrons, which the bacteria transfer directly into the electrode.