
美 / 'sʌbv'ælju: / 英 / 'sʌbv'ælju /



1、 A sub-price value 一分价钱一分货

2、 sub-characteristic value 次特征值

3、 value sub array 值子数组

4、 sub-band-max value 分块变换

5、 Sub Keys And Value 子项和价值


In the case of sub menu, some property value is concatenated with parent menu name separated by an underscore (" _ ").


The if clause determines whether the value of the ResponseRequested sub-element for a given comment is equal to Yes.

if 子句判断一条给定评论的 ResponseRequested 子元素的值是否等于 “Yes”。

When the call to the RPG PREPARE_SQL_STATEMENT sub-procedure fails, an rpgStatus value of 1299 will be returned to the RPG program being handled.

对 RPG PREPARE_SQL_STATEMENT 子过程的调用失败时,将向正被处理的 RPG 程序返回 rpgStatus 值 1299。