support against的意思|示意

美 / səˈpɔ:t əˈɡenst / 英 / səˈpɔrt əˈɡenst /


support against相关短语

1、 Some support against 一些人支持一些人反对

2、 medical support against landing assault 抗登陆作战卫勤保障

3、 support sb against the plan 支持某人反对这个计划

4、 Support Or Against 支持还反对

5、 support ĥ against 克服

6、 lean backwards against some support

support against相关例句

"If others had used the arguments we are using today when we asked them for their support against apartheid we might still have been unfree," he says.


Normally, removing viable patients from life support against their or their families' will would be considered murder.


The charges of conspiracy and material support against were dismissed this week.


After the announcement , China People's Insurance Company Chongwen support against the verdict, an appeal has been.

宣判后, 中国人保崇文支公司不服判决, 已上诉.
