survival craft的意思|示意
survival craft相关短语
1、 survival craft station 营救器电台,救生艇电台,救生艇筏电台
2、 Survival Craft and Rescue Boats 救生艇,救生艇筏
3、 marine survival craft 海上救生艇
4、 handling of survival craft 救生艇筏操作
5、 motorized survival craft 机动救生艇筏
6、 Drinking water for survival craft 救生艇筏饮用水
7、 Pony Survival Craft 小马生存战中文破解版,破解版,小马生存战中文内购破解版
survival craft相关例句
Training: familiar with the basic safety of B01, survival craft and rescue boats and rafts B02, English, ocean sailor crew.
培训内容:熟悉基本安全B01,救生艇筏和救助艇筏b 02,专业英语,远洋船员水手。
3the launching appliance shall be efficiently protected against corrosion and be so constructed as to prevent incendive friction or impact sparking during the launching of the survival craft.