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猪流感大流行 2009年4月29日,世卫组织警告全球性猪流感大流行(swine influenza pandemic, swine flu)迫在眉捷,并将目前流感大流行警戒级别由4级提高到5级,要求所有国家都应立即启动大流行防范计划。

swine influenza pandemic相关例句

The new virus contains genes from a seasonal human H1N1 flu strain and a flu virus common in swine and called H3N2. The new strand is not related to the current H1N1 pandemic influenza strain.

这种病毒由季节性h1n 1人流感病毒和H3N 2猪流感病毒混合而成,但与正在全球流行的甲型H1N 1流感病毒没有联系。

The Austrian team took just ten weeks to produce swine-origin pandemic H1N1 influenza VLPs for immunological study in mice.

这是一种缺少核苷酸的类病毒颗粒,因此这种颗粒是没有感染性的。 这个奥地利团队对小鼠进行免疫研究,仅仅用了10周就成功的生产出甲型H1N1流感病毒样颗粒。

This might be particularly necessary with the threatening of the H1N1 influenza (swine flu) pandemic and seasonal flu outbreaks when many more people are expected to catch the flu.

在甲型h1n 1流感大流行和季节性流感爆发是形势下,预计会导致更多的人感染,注射疫苗更是必要的。

You will be aware that the H1N1 Influenza (Human Swine Flu) has extended into our community and Swine Flu has now been declared a global pandemic.

你将察觉到 H1N1 流感(人类猪流感)已经漫延到我们的社区﹐并且已被宣布为全球性流行病。

Although swine influenza viruses usually sicken only pigs, potentially one might also spark a pandemic in people, as occurred with the 2009 H1N1 influenza virus.

虽然猪流感病毒通常只会感染猪,但就像2009年H1N 1流感病毒一样,猪流感病毒具有潜在危险,可能引发人类流感大流行。