take easy的意思|示意
take easy相关短语
1、 Take-Easy 创意放轻松,简宜
2、 take it easy 别紧张,别着急,凡事看开些,放松
3、 let me take easy 让我放松,让我采取容易,让我借容易
4、 Take easy residual 花易残
5、 Just take it easy 你的名字我会牢记,不要玫瑰花,放轻松,只是很容易
6、 go easy take one's time 从容不迫,不迟不疾
7、 Take things easy 放轻松,从容不迫地进行工作,采取东西容易,采取事情变得简单
8、 T Take Easy 独立摇滚
take easy相关例句
Just take easy; let the water roll off your back.
轻松些, 就像水从你的背后流下一样.
Rule 8 : In the clubhouse, take easy to deal with the cell phones.
规则8:在会所里, 可以放松下来接打电话.
As soon as I listen also to take easy , in the competition drops to display well.
我一听也就想开了, 比赛中放手发挥就好.
Angie : Ha ~ take easy and be happy!
嘿 ~放轻松开心点!