瓦小时 等,预计将在2030年产出的电能可达241.4~356.6兆瓦小时(terawatt-hours),不过该份报告中未提及2030年届时全国总输出电量。
万亿瓦时 欧委 11 会预期每年可节省约 40 万亿瓦时(terawatt-hours) 电力, 减少约 1 , 500 万公吨二氧化碳排放。 欧盟 2005/32/EC 号指令( EuP 指令) 是关于耗能产品环保设计 的框架性指令, 欧...
太瓦时 欧盟订下目标,要在2020年前减少能耗20%,每年省电39太瓦时(terawatt-hours)。
Since its inception in 1991, the program has saved 100 terawatt-hours of electricity, or 2.5 percent of total U. S. electricity consumption in a year.
The IEA estimates that the yearly energy consumed from IT and consumer electronics is on pace to double by 2020 and triple by 2030 to 1,700 terawatt-hours.
A study released last week by the Federal Network Agency shows that energy generated with brown coal will remain virtually stabile, at 148 terawatt-hours, until 2022.
The EU Commission projects the ban on the energy-inefficient bulbs will save about 40 terawatt hours of energy in the EU per year — enough to meet the energy demands of a small country.