内部 ... 2007) 指出,对体裁的全面分析应该包括对 裁形式展开,而对相关体裁结构的对比研究却很少,尤其是 文本内部( text-internal) 和文本外部 ( text-external) 因素的分 对出现在学术领域中的相关体裁研究更是不多见。
1、 text-internal world 内世界
2、 text-internal duplicates 及文内的重复
3、 internal text memory 机内报文存储器
This text tries hard to have unique discovery in this domain via the method of combining internal evidence and external evidence.
For this, this text tries to analyze the anti-dumping enterprises of our country from the internal control Angle for replying the measure.
This parser collects the text children of the Title element in an internal list (self.text) and, upon reaching the close() method, returns that list.
这个解析器在一个内部列表(self.text)中收集 Title 元素的文本节点,并在到达 close() 方法后返回列表。
It has two other internal variables, a currentMessage for a Message instance that is being parsed, and a StringBuilder variable called builder that stores character data from text nodes.
它有另外两个内部变量,currentMessage 针对被解析的 Message 实例,以及名称为 builder 的 StringBuilder 变量,用于存储文本节点中的字符数据。
For instance, it can distinguish internal and external links and distinguish text formatting including lists and headings.
For example, Figure 11 illustrates that the built-in OCR in Robot is not able to detect the text with the original Reflection for IBM internal sample, which has a dark background and blue text.
例如,图11说明了Robot内嵌的OCR不能检测到Reflection for IBM internal实例的原有文本,只显示出黑屏和蓝色文本。