they endured的意思|示意
they endured的网络常见释义
他们在苦熬 ...哗与骚动》的人也许会注意到,该书的结尾是这样一个只有主语和谓语、没有任何修饰成份的简单句:“他们在苦熬”(They endured)。从字面上看,这是对迪尔西及其黑人同胞的写照,但何尝不可以理解为对全人类命运的概括描述。
早起早睡的土人 来自: 早起早睡的土人(They endured) 2011-11-09 15:12:37
they endured相关短语
1、 But they had endured 但是他们只好忍着
2、 They Had Endured Scrapes 他们所遭受擦伤
they endured相关例句
Her mother and father endured severe hardship under the Japanese occupation of the Philippines; later they had to make their way in a new country and a new language.
EVEN as they brooded over their response to Russian aggression in Georgia, NATO's leaders endured a bad week on another front: Afghanistan.
In school we learn about the atrocities slaves endured on Southern plantations, and the sorrow they faced when a husband was separated from a wife, or a mother from a child.
They endured years of suffering and privation.
For us, they toiled in sweatshops and settled the West; endured the lash of the whip and plowed the hard earth.
They have endured such judicial fecklessness before.