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think over consider相关例句

Just over half of passengers think trains offer value for money; according to one recent survey, around 15% of them would consider abandoning trains or moving house to avoid these steeper fares.

根据最近的一项调查,只有五成多一点的乘客认为花钱坐火车,物有所值。 有15%的乘客为了应对快速上涨的价格,会考虑搬家。

Him think, the overall service visual part, first consider to come from all over the media and audience's reading habits, also want to consider to add some Chinese unique cultural cultivation.


The ordinary meaning of that word - to ponder over, to consider, to think about - is rather trivial and ordinary.


I think it is a very interesting field of research that we should consider, particularly if you are looking at prevention, which is a major issue all over the globe.
